Thursday 19 February 2015

Benefits and Work System of Antilock Braking System (ABS)

Benefits and Work System 
of Antilock Braking System (ABS)
By : Ir. Najamudin, MT
Lecturer of Bandar Lampung University

The Basics of Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)
Anti-lock braking system   or   anti-lock braking system   (ABS) is a braking system on the vehicle in order to avoid locking the wheels when braking suddenly (panic stop).

The system works when the vehicle braking hard so that one part or all wheel stops while the vehicle is still moving, making the vehicle uncontrollable at all. When the sensor detects a wheel lock, it will instruct the brake piston to loosen the pressure, then mengeraskannya back so the wheel spins. This process takes place very quickly, can reach 15 times / sec.The effect is that the vehicle can still be driven and more effective braking distance.

Benefits system Anti-lock Braking System
Misperceptions on the brake function leads to lower consumer understanding the benefits of ABS brakes   (Anti-lock Braking System). Therefore, not surprising that there are many consumers who consider trivial function of vehicle features ABS brakes. In fact, features ABS is very beneficial for the safety of driving, especially during sudden braking first performed on a slippery road.
Until it was a lot of drivers who understand the brakes as the vehicle rate freeze. In fact, the brake function is reduce wheel spin. Can we imagine, why the vehicles that raced still glide when the brakes are already trodden so deep. Moreover, when done in a wet or sandy track conditions.
The cause is still launching the vehicle after the brake is not because the wheels are still spinning, but due to centrifugal force. Faster and faster movement of the vehicle, the greater the potential of the centrifugal force received when done abrupt termination. On vehicles without ABS features a large centrifugal force even able to drag tires are locked by the brake.
The effects of centrifugal force is just throwing the vehicle straight ahead even slipping. But you can imagine, what if when the centrifugal force received vehicle front wheel position is in a state tilted. Then the vehicle will slide out of control, even the most fatal result overturned vehicle.
To reduce the centrifugal force that is then created brakes ABS. But long before the ABS found the driver has applied the brakes ABS prinsif work manually. The drivers usually braking from high speed by pressing the brake pedal gradually, in height and weight reflexes different pressures.
Motorists often layman to understand this method by conducting "shuffle" the brakes. But almost most of them wrong apply. As a result, there is no benefit from his actions.
Actually, what do the drivers of the past (before it was discovered ABS) is equal to the simple principle of work features ABS. ABS perform a gradual reduction in the rate of the gradual braking. The method works mechanically controlled. The goal, to avoid the wheels are locked, so that the potential of the centrifugal force that will propel the vehicle involved is reduced.
In the vehicle-expensive vehicles, the ABS system is controlled by the intelligent computer technology. Some advanced vehicle can even control the amount of brake pressure required for each wheel. 
How it Works brakes Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)
Working brake system on a motorcycle is different from the car, even the way it operates is considered more complicated. Because, the car simply use the brake pedal to operate the fourth (trucks and buses even more), for the majority of motorcycle front and rear wheels, operated separately.
To the front, generally using a lever located on the handlebars. While in the rear, operated by foot pedal by the driver (except scooter). As a result, when braking, the power to the front and rear brakes are not concurrent. On the other hand, the front brakes require a more powerful force because they have to bear the major burden.
With conditions like that, the ABS system is not the same as the motor car. Should consider various aspects. For example, the comfort for the rider. In fact, quite a difficult problem is put ABS on a supersport motorcycle. The reason this type of motorcycle, shorter, high gravity point. All of that will affect the installation, reliability, stability and comfort of the rider

The system works on sisstem ABS ABS is no additional tool called Pressure Control Valve - PCV (Pressure Control Valve). So from the brake lever, brake fluid will flow through the valve is new to the caliper first.

Figure 1. ABS System Diagram

ABS system consists of three parts, namely:
Ø  Speed ​​sensor
Ø   Controlling valves Pressure
Ø   Electronic control unit (ECU).

The most important part is the brain of the system is the ECU. ECU with speed parameters obtained from the speed sensor will determine if there will be an incident of extreme deceleration (speed down to the extreme and sudden) that can cause brake disc lock (locking). Before this happens, the ECU will automatically close the valve pressure in PCV (Pressure Control Valve) which makes brake fluid to the caliper is inhibited and the pressure is reduced so that the piston calipers lock symptoms (NGE-Lock) can be avoided.After the ECU detects the speed has been reduced and safety of the symptoms of extreme deceleration, slowly return valve will be opened to be able to make the pressure back on the calipers so that the motor can be stopped.

Hopefully this article useful to add knowledge in the field of Mechanical Engineering.

Ir. Najamudin, MT

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