Wednesday 31 December 2014

Contoh Cara Pembuatan Curriculum Vitae




Name                                      : Ir, Najamudin, MT

Sex                                          : Male
Place, Date of Birth               : Prabumulih, November 19, 1962
Marital status                         : Maried
Religion                                  : Islam
Nationality                             : Indonesian
Hobbies                                  : Sports, Marathon, Long March, Fitness,                                                   Reading, Internet, Publishing, Blogger, Articles 
                                                  Writing and Computers
Occupation                             : Senior Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering Bandar 
                                                  Lampung University
Academic positions                : Lektor

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1.    Graduated from Technical Faculty of Sriwijaya University (majoring in  
     mechanical engineering), in 1990.

2.    Graduated from Pancasila University Jakarta, Post Graduate (Master of
     Mechanical Engineering),  in 2012.


1.      Computer Training, Microsoft Office, Institute of Computer Skills "ONE COM", in Palembang, Certificate in 1991

2.      Completed The Training, Total Distributed Control System (TDC 3000 Basic for operators / DCS / Integrated Control System), PT. BERCA INDONESIA, Jakarta, Certificate in 1993.

3.      Workshop "Improving Skills of Teachers", Bandar Lampung University, Bandar Lampung, Certificate in 2005.

4.      Practical Training Match-Cad Software, Pancasila University, Jakarta, Certificate in 2010.

5.      International Conference on Information Technology "Cooperation in Multi-Agent System and ISO 9000", University of Bandar Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Certificate in 2010.

6.      Training of Clinical Research, Bandar Lampung University, Bandar Lampung, Certificate in 2010.

7.      National Conference on "General Lecture of Cement & Concrete Application", Bandar Lampung University and PT Holcim Indonesia, Bandar Lampung, Certificate in 2011.

8.      Workshop on "Socialization Textbook Writing", Bandar Lampung University and Tim Detasering Higher Education, Bandar Lampung, Certificate in 2012.

9.      National Conference on "Structure and Architecture for Green Building", Bandar Lampung University and the Pelita Harapan University, Bandar Lampung, Certificate in 2013.

10.  International Conference On Engineering and Technology Development (3rd ICETD), Bandar Lampung University, in 2014.

1.      PT. Samator Surya Agung Gas (Samator Group), Jakarta, with the following  positions:
Ø  As Project Staff, Erection and commissioning, from 1991 to 1993.
Ø  As Production Staff, Air Sparation Plant (Liquid Oxigen, Nitrogen and Argon), from 1993 to in 1997.
Ø  As Production Supervisor, CO2 Plant (Dry Ice Plant), in 1998.
Description of PT. Samator is accredited company SGS ISO 9001: 2000,
Indonesia’s largest and leading industrial gas producing company PT. Samator has been specializing in gas productions for almost three decades.
With production facilities located in Bali, East Java, Central Java and West Java as well as East and South Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Sumatra, we are further supported by an extensive distribution network of 60 filling stations in many cities in Indonesia with a fleet of more than 60 tank trucks and 15 industrial gas factories in islands throughout the Archipelago.

2.      PT. Indo Gas Raya Utama (Samator Group), Semarang, as Production Staff, in 1993

3.      PT. Indotech Pratama Engineering, Bandar Lampung, as Team Leader HoverFerry Project, in 2002

4.      University of Bandar Lampung :

Ø  As Head of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, from 1998 to in 2002
Ø  As a Senior Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, from   1998 to present

5.      PT. Graha Property Centre, Bandar Lampung, as a Marketing Executive, in 2008.

6.      PT. Panorama Citra Lestari, Bandar Lampung, as a Marketing Executive, in 2008.

7.      PT. Purnama Bochler Technology, Bandar Lampung, as Staff Engineering, in 2009.

1. Pre-Basic Education Military, Force VII in 1982, Mahawijaya Regiment South Sumatra, Battalion I Sriwijaya University

2.    Yudha Putra Regiment , Youth Panca Marga, Headquarters Branch Legion Veterans of the Republic of Indonesia, the Municipality of Palembang, in 1990.

3.    Yudha Putra Regiment, Youth Panca Marga, Headquarters Branch Legion  Veterans of the Republic of Indonesia, Kabupaten Bekasi, in 1996


1. Computer for Plant Control System :
   As Operator DCS (Distributed Control System) is a Computer Operation
   Plant Control.

2. Computer skills :
    Microsoft Office, Word, Excel, Power Point, Photo Editor, Video Editor.

3. Skills Mechanical Engineering:
     Steam Turbines, Gas Turbines, Water Turbines, Compressors, Pumps, Measurement and Instrumentation, Motor Gasoline, Motor Diesel, Refrigerator and Air Conditioning, Chryogenic, Operator and Maintenance Engineering, Air Sparation Plant (Plant Liquid Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon ), Production operator, CO2 Plant (Dry Ice Plant)

4.    As a Senior Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,      Teaching Experience In Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Bandar Lampung University, Teaching as follows:

1) Elements of Machine
2) Steam Turbine
3) Gas Turbines
4) Water Turbine
5) Pumps
6) Compressor
7) Refrigerator
8) Motor Gasoline
9) Motor Diesel
10) Boilers
11) Measurement Techniques and Instrumentation
12) Maintenance Engineering

Bandar LampungDecember 31, 2014

Yours faithfully,

Ir. Najamudin, MT

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